To Upstalsboom Group
On our website as well as on any other website of our affiliated hotels, you will always find the cheapest room or arrangement price for your stay. We guarantee that.
If you, nevertheless, find a cheaper room or arrangement price with identical services and booking conditions published on the Internet, you will receive not only the cheaper room or arrangement price, but also an additional 10 % discount on the price!
If the application fulfils the contract conditions and is accepted by the respective Upstalsboom Hotel, you will receive a new confirmation with the cheaper room or arrangement price with the 10% discount, via email. Your initial reservation with the higher price will be automatically cancelled.
If the request from the respective Upstalsboom Hotel is not accepted because one or more of the conditions are not met, you receive a justification.
The Upstalsboom Hotel & Leisure GmbH & Co. KG is not liable for costs, including fees, resulting from cancellation of reservations or errors in the publication price of third parties.
In the event that the request for Best Prices includes several nights, the guaranteed lowest price will be applied to the final price, which results from the total price and not on the price of individual nights.
The Upstalsboom Hotel & Leisure GmbH & Co. KG reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this offer or to cancel the offer.
Price differences due to taxes or incorrect rounding up of price will not be considered.
Best Prices can only be claimed by the reservation holder. No claims can be submitted by someone else on behalf of the guest listed on the reservation.
For questions regarding Best Prices of Upstalsboom hotels, please do not hesitate to contact us directly: